CGEE 2024 Hybrid Event
We are glad to annouce the 5th International Conference on Clean and Green Energy Engineering was held in Izmir, Turkey from August 24-26, 2024 as hybrid form. Thanks for all the support from participants to join the conference to present their papers. On behalf of the organizing committee, we sincerely express our appreciation to all the participants. The next conference will be held in Zegreb, Croatia, welcome and look forward to seeing you!
Opening Speech made by Prof. Igor Kuzle, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Keynote Speech I reported by Prof. Mohamed Benbouzid, University of Brest, France
Keynote Speech II presented by Prof. Victor Levi, University of Manchester, Manchester, U.K
Keynote Speech III done by Prof. Philip W. T. Pong, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, United States
Best presentations
Improving Norwegian Power Transmission Flexibility Using a New
Matheuristic Optimization Framework
Sander Meland, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway
Towards Better Energy Efficiency Through Coil-Based Electricity
Consumption Forecasting in Steel Manufacturing
Aslı Koca, Kadir Has University, Bursa,Turkey
Power Reduction and Efficiency Improvement of a Variable-Pitch Axial
Flow Fan Obtained From Design Optimization Study
Chan Lee, University of Suwon, Hwaseong, Republic of Korea